Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

10 Common Sense Tips To Be Successful

By: ck18211

We are all looking for a way to make life better but what it comes down to is looking at what others are doing and trying to model your efforts after what’s already being done. Success is not about recreating the wheel… it’s all about “little” modification with your own personality on it… isn’t that what everyone talks about anyway… it’s never about the newest thing that makes anyone successful… it’s all about small changes or improvements that we make that makes things what they are.

Tip 1: Keep it simple;
watch others… I can’t reiterate enough how important it is to look at what others are doing.

Tip 2: Set goals for yourself…
if you don’t know where you want to go do you honestly think your lazy but is ever going to get there ?

Tip 3: Action Plan….
You already know what your goals are, do you have benchmarks set so that you know what you’re going to do every step of the way. Anyone can write “my 30 days to success” so chart out what you’re going to do day by day to get there… because goals are only a piece of the puzzle. Most importantly “Don’t rush to get there”.

Tip 4: Listen….
Oh my god… what a concept.. half of us trying to get somewhere want to tell someone who’s already there how to do what they are already doing right ! If you spend all your time talking then you’re never going to hear the message you need to hear to get to where you want to be.

Tip 5: Stay current….
If you’re so conservative about things just staying the way they’ve always been…. honestly I don’t know how successful you really want to be.

Tip 6: Talk about success…
the most successful people talk and breathe it all day long. If you’re all about the negative then guess what you’re bound to stay right behind the front door while the rest of the world is actually “doing something”.

Tip 7: Motivation…
Figure out what is going to motivate you to “be successful”. For some of us it’s “things” and for others it may be your children so do a little sitting and write down what’s going to motivate you.

Tip 8: Keep it Real…
Money is a vehicle in this society and we need it to keep things moving, but DON’T PUT IT FIRST.. however be real with yourself about the importance of money in society and in your life.. not only for you and your piece of mind but for what you want your children to be able to accomplish in life as well. No one wants to say it but money really is important and it certainly gives us all piece of mind.

Tip 9: Patience…
Success is NOT overnight; success is “progressive” with many avenues to it and as it’s been stated before “Don’t Rush” as that alone can kill the work and time that you’ve invested into it. Be patient and the fruits of your labor will come. If you work hard in your lifetime you’ll always have something positive to show for it.

Tip 10: The Epiphany…
You don’t know what you don’t know until you know what you don’t know. So get out there and learn so you can join the rest of the successful people out there.

Daniel is an AFF Manager for http://SiteBuildIt.com and as I’ve explained there are many ways to be successful if you’re looking for a no risk legitimate business to get into read case studies of others that are successful too right here at http://performance.workathomewithsbi.com.

10 Tips To Take Control Of Yourself

By: Miko

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck.
The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:

1. Take Good Care of Yourself
  • It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.

2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For

  • Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.

3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions

  • A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.

4. Refrain from Using Absolutes

  • Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts

  • Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it.

6. Squash the "ANTs"

  • In his book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," Dr. Daniel Amen talks about "ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!

7. Practice Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' (Your Friends and Family)

  • You don't have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!

8. Increase Your Social Activity

  • By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!

9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person

  • Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination

  • If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

When it comes to the corporate world, protocol is pretty much the religion. To know the things needed to do are the basics of productivity, but interaction and having a steady mind makes up the entire thing to true productivity. There are those who seem to work well even under pressure, but they're uncommon ones and we are human and imperfect. To get these little things like stress under our skins won't solve our problems. Sometimes it takes a bit of courage to admit that we're turning to be workaholics than tell ourselves that we're not doing our best.

Discover Miko friends, Secrets of The Internet Millionaire Mind, Ultimate LifeStyle, Marketing Madness 2005, Market Madness 2006 and Wealth Madness. www.ultimateaffiliatesolution.com.

10 Things Between You And A Successful Life

By: Kimbles1

1. De- Clutter:
  • Set yourself free from the past by and cleaning up your mental and physical space. Get rid of the junk you no longer use and file away papers you need or trash the rest. Get closure on a project, a diet, an argument or commitment by dumping it, delegating it or doing it yourself.

2. Just for Today:
  • Today is a result of all the Today's that came before it. By living today to the best of your ability, you will naturally set the stage for a successful tomorrow.

3. Prioritize:
  • Prioritize your “wants” above those things you feel you have to do, should do or feel obligated to do. Don’t trade off others expectations of you for what you want to do. Do what makes you feel good about yourself and about life.

4. Cheating yourself:
  • Pretending to yourself or others and telling lies to yourself is the worst form of disrespect. Take note of the ways in which you have been dishonest to yourself, and consider ways to change that. Resolve to not pretend if you are happy when in fact you are not. Decide to tell the truth about whether you can afford to do certain things others are doing. By doing so you will learn to trust yourself, respect yourself and love yourself more.

5. People pleasing:
  • Do you always say yes to others even when you actually want to say no. If you do, you be very unhappy and resentful about giving of your time, expertise or spirit to anyone who asks for it. Much freedom can be gained by learning to quietly set up and assert your boundaries.

6. Accepting LIFE on life’s Terms:
  • Ups and downs, crises and problems are a normal part of daily living. Accept this and make your life easier by being ready for unexpected turn of events. Simplify your tasks and get organized. Set up your schedules, routines and your a lifestyle in a way that can minimize the effects of unwelcome mishaps and in a way that supports how you want to live.

7. Being part of the Solution:
  • Complaining is passive, not active. Choose to be part of the solution and not to be part of the problem. Find answers and ask for help and support instead of complaining. Be a person that others go to for solutions and not someone who people run away from.

8. Be prepared:
  • Prepare for your future. If you do not have money, time or energy, you will make important decisions in your life based on the “lack of” rather than choices full of possibilities. This will lead to decisions that will cause you to make mistakes and miss out on opportunities. Start small, but start preparing now to fill up your reserves of funds, time and zest for life!

9. Acknowledge your Weaknesses:
  • Believe it or not by acknowledging your weaknesses, you will be on the road to success. You win supporters with honesty. People are more willing to help if you are upfront about your weak points. "I'm really not good at math; please let me know if I misunderstand what you are explaining to me." "I'm not good with being punctual; please remind me a couple of hours before our meeting." When you hide your weaknesses and then mess up, people are less willing to forgive.

10. Plan and stop “Wishful Thinking”:
  • START! Take action! If you just go through your days *wishing* that things would be better, the chances are they will never be better. Set your goals, create a plan, and get into action.

Kim Knight, The Coach Yourself to Greatness Coach, has helped a number of clients target their goals. The Personal Life Coach is not only a sought-after trusted and inspirational coach. She has also written EBooks for all those who want to help themselves or support others. There are many successful clients whose friends and family are amazed at finding out that someone else coached them on their overall transformation. For more information, visit Kim’s site at www.kimknightcoaching.com

Seven Vital Traits Of Success

By: Tom Haynes

1) Work Hard You have to be willing to go out and take actions.
  • There is no substitute! You can’t sit around and wait for the right time, or until you know everything about the subject. You have to take the first steps and get going.Once you do take action, you have to dive in and commit. You can’t try to do things half heartedly, testing the water temperature with you big toe. You must work like this is what you were born to do.

2) Be HonestYou cannot be truly successful if you are not honest.
  • You must honestly deliver on what you promise other people. You cannot mislead or misdirect them.Fortunes are not made alone. They require interaction with other people on some level. If you do not deal fairly and honestly with them, they will withdraw from you and your path becomes that much harder.

3) PersevereNobody said it was easy.
  • And if someone did…well, they lied and odds are they aren’t very successful themselves. Never take advice from someone more screwed up than you! You will hit roadblocks, things will not go according to plan, and opportunities will not pan out. That is life. You have to keep trying, keep working hard.Napoleon Hill said that every failure holds within it the seeds of an equivalent or greater success. You must look for those seeds and nurture them with your effort. And when you do not see them immediately, trust that they are there. It may take a few years for you to realize the lessons you learned.

4) Be FriendlyAs previously mentioned, fortunes are built with the help of other people.
  • You cannot be successful without other people. It is far easier to enlist the support of others when you are friendly.And not just when you want something! Be friendly all the time, even when they are being mean to you. Be friendly to complete strangers. You never know when you may strike up a conversation with someone who ends up being exactly the person you need in your life!

5) Be a life-long learnerThere is no point where you can decide you know enough.
  • Keep reading, keep taking classes, and keep talking to people. Develop friendships and seek out mentors. There is always something new out there. Remember that if you are not growing, you are dying!

6) Over DeliverAlways do your best to exceed expectations.
  • Treat each and every task as if it is worthy of your best efforts…because it is! Everything you do, every memo, e-mail, chore, meeting, and phone call is a reflection of who you are.Strive to do more than you are paid to do! If you think about it, what justification do you have for seeking a raise if you only do the minimum?

7) Seek SolutionsFocus on solutions, not problems.
  • Everyone has problems. If you want to stand out and be a success, be the guy that finds solutions instead of complaining.It is FUN to solve problems. It feels great…and those solutions often create the best opportunities in your life. Train yourself to see problems in this way and you will go far!

Tom Haynes has worked with sales, management, and not-for-profit for companies, helping their staff set goals, increase productivity, exceed expectations, and manage their human resources. He is the owner of www.e-motivate.com, a site dedicated to success, motivation, happiness, entrepreneurship, and wealth. Visit today for your FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich” !

4 Conversation Topics People Love To Talk About

By: Peter Murphy

Possibly the most common question people have when they seek help for their communication skills is what makes good conversation topics. So many times people worry about what to talk about, even when they are in the middle of a conversation on the abyss of an embarrassing silence.

The important thing is not to panic or worse, run away; pauses are a good thing in conversation. They give people time to think.

But if you feel that there are too many embarrassing silences in your conversation and that they go on too long, then perhaps you need a little guidance on conversation topics that will keep the conversation flowing or getting it going again when things have stalled. The trick is to have something that people will find it easy to talk about, something on which they are bound to have opinions they are comfortable in sharing.

1. The Person you are Talking to

People usually love to talk about themselves; it is also a topic on which they are knowledgeable, so they should find it easy to talk about themselves so long as you do not embarrass the other person with deeply probing questions.

Try to ask about what really interests the person and find out what they like to do. Don’t ask them about work in a social situation. Many people want to forget about work and they may not find it an inspiring conversation topic.

Instead, find out about the things about which they are really enthusiastic and which they choose to do in their free time. Ask open-ended questions so it is not possible to bring the conversation to a sudden halt once more with a simple yes or no answer. Don’t be deterred if you get umms and ahhs and vague answers. Really focus on what the other person in the conversation is saying and you will very often find something to pick up from out of even very short answers.

If you focus the conversation topic on what interests the other person, you will usually find that they reply enthusiastically. Don’t worry that you will be stuck with listening all night. You will usually find that if you have the courtesy to listen properly to people and engage with what they are telling you, rather than seizing the first opportunity to turn the topic of conversation onto yourself, that the person you are talking to will be happy to return the compliment and listen to you in turn.

2. Take Some Cues from your Surroundings

Don’t get stuck on one conversation topic. Look around you for inspiration. If you are at a party or visiting friends, the CD collection or painting or ornament may raise a good conversation topic. You might remark upon something that someone is wearing. All of these things can be really good conversation topics, but remember to keep your comments positive and complimentary. It’s not a good idea to be critical about what you see; as well as potentially causing offence, you may well cause the person to whom you are speaking to feel uncomfortable and they may then want to move swiftly on to speak to someone else.

3. Current Affairs

If you keep up with what is happening in the world you should never be at a loss for conversation topics. If you regularly read the newspaper you will always have something interesting to talk about but unless you know the person you are talking to very well and you know the story will be appreciated, you would be best advised to steer clear of stories of death or other misery.

4.TV and Cinema

Almost everyone watches TV. The latest episode of ‘Prison Break’ or a recent movie may be all you need to get the conversation flowing again. You can discuss which of the most recent Hollywood blockbusters are actually worth all their hype or which were a bit of a disappointment. Taking a look at social book-marking websites like Digg will help you to see what the current trends are and what is popular to talk about at the moment.

Just these few conversation topics should be enough to get the talk flowing and keep it going for quite a while.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: www.howtotalkwithconfidence.com/blog

The Keys To A Successful Interview

By: Gerald Dudley Ph D

The interview. Aha! Nervous? Maybe; maybe not. If you are prepared, if you are enthusiastic; if you know what you want; and know what the employer wants then it’s just a matter of good grooming, a pleasant smile and a firm hand shake. That should do it, right?

Well that’s a good start. Certainly, you arrived early and didn’t keep the interviewer waiting. Certainly you scouted the company; you know everything about what they do, where they want to go, and how you fit into their plans. Certainly, you have tailored your presentation to show how your tangible and intangible skills are the perfect fit for their needs. The rest is easy.

So why are your hands shaking; what’s with the cold sweat—you really want and need this job don’t you. You don’t want to leave anything to chance. So let’s make this the best interview ever. Here’s the game plan:

One, you need to present your skills and show that you can do the job.
Two, you want to show that you have the potential for promotion, that you can grow with the company. If the interviewer doesn’t see you with them down the road then the interview has been unsuccessful.

According to business consultant, Jim Barton, there are seven critical aspects of a good interview:
  1. Your enthusiasm
  2. Business reasons
  3. Company question
  4. Your assets
  5. Maturity
  6. Money
  7. And the close

Let’s take them one at a time.

In brief, there are two types of Enthusiasm you must exude: Overall enthusiasm and Taking control enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is infectious, it helps the interviewer remember you as engaging; the interviewer will like you—see you as fun and interested. It shows your personal chemistry and at the same time your technical ability. Remember, if they don’t like you they won’t hire you. So take control of the interview, don’t dominate but don’t be passive either.

Take an active role, ask questions, show knowledge, be certain to have researched the firm: where the company’s been, where it is going. But please NO LISTS. Reading from a list is a definite show stopper. No name dropping either, he who likes you may not be liked by the interviewer. Ask questions like “what does it take to be successful here?” With that question the interviewer helps you. You are leading him, he will tell you what they want, what he needs—this establishes rapport. Let him talk about the company, what they do, who they are looking for. In this way you discover what’s important to the company and to the interviewer. It gives you direction.

Next, Business reasons: You may be asked, Why do you want to leave your present position, or why are you no longer employed? Do not give personal reasons such as “I hated the boss”; “…too much overtime”; “I’m getting married”; or “the company is getting downsized”. These are negative reasons and impart a negative opinion of yourself and your employability. Instead be positive: Talk about the skills you learned there; the people were great, but that you had outgrown your position, there was no room to move up and improve. Be logical and positive about your past. Tell the potential employer about your skills, your goals in a way that meets their needs.

Company questions help you identify the big picture. With the right questions you steer the course of the interview: you discover the overall picture of what the company is trying to achieve, where it has been, where it is going, and you discover what it takes to be successful in the company. The key here is to mimic President Kennedy’s oration: Ask not what the company can do for you, but what you can do for the company. Avoid self serving questions, but do impart a sincere interest in the company.

Your assets, both tangible and intangible, should come out naturally throughout the interview. Relate your skills to the job; to what the employer is looking for.

Barton says prior to the interview look over your Resume; see it for the first time. Ask these questions about every one of your tangible assets: What did I do; How did I do it; Why did I do it; Where did I do it; With whom did I do it with; and When did I do it. With these questions you can make your assets relevant to you and the potential employer.

Intangible assets include: I am hard working (prove it); I am a quick learner; I am well organized; I like working with people; I am a team player—a people person. Intersperse these intangible assets throughout the interview.

If you are asked about your weaknesses talk about unrelated skills, skills not so relevant to the position, such as “my typing is rusty”; “I’m getting better at programming my Blackberry…”
Maturity is shown by the clothes you wear, by your body language during the interview, through eye contact and good grooming. Dress appropriately. Be clean and neat. Give a firm hand shake. Don’t pick, scratch or squirm. Look the interviewer in the eye—exude confidence. Be on time, say thank you.

Money may be your most important question, but it is not the highest priority with the employer. They may want to get you as cheaply as possible. So don’t turn them off by asking too much. But don’t cheat yourself by asking too little. If the question comes up: “What kind of money are you looking for?” Be realistic, don’t overvalue or undervalue yourself. Turn the question into a positive. Say something like, “Money is important to me, I would like to be paid fairly, but being on the right team, having opportunities for advancement are more important. If the interviewer says “Cut the crap, what do you want?” Say, “Well there is a range given me by other companies that I have interviewed with. They have offered from $35,000 to $45,000 dollars. In this way you have given the interviewer some latitude, he may not come in at your high, but he won’t hit your low either—especially if he wants you.

Close by asking for the job. If you don’t ask for the job, you won’t get it. Also in closing seek necessary feedback, thank them for the opportunity, say it: “This is a great opportunity for me.” And follow up with a feedback questions something like these (both very important): “How soon will you be getting back to me?” Let them know you have irons in the fire. An interviewer wants to hire the last person they interviewed. Make certain you are that person. And please, please, please ask this question: “How do you see me fitting into your organization?” By asking this question near the end of the interview you will get valuable feedback. You will get insight into how the interview went. You may even get offered the job. You certainly let them know you want it.

After the interview, after you shake the person’s hand, look him in the eye and thanked him, scoot home and write a thank you note. Repeat how excited you are for the opportunity. Then, in a week, follow up with a phone call.

The author of this article is co-author of: www.careerfit-test.com

Plan Of Motivation For Successful Changes

By: Cathy Wilson

New Year's creates hope, new beginnings, and opens up all of the possibilities that are available to us. We think about our lives today and look forward to the changes we'd like to make. Changes can be made but the key to success is making them permanent changes.

You've acknowledged your desire to make change or changes in your life. Now, think about a specific time when you felt driven to accomplish a goal and achieve success. What reasons motivated you? Why did you want to succeed? Why was the change important to you? Now that you have this in mind, feel that sense of empowerment. You can use this experience multiple times to create the motivation to make changes in your life. You can create the life you want to live with long-lasting changes.

Motivation can seem fleeting. It can come and go without notice. You seem to have it easily one moment and the next it seems to have disappeared. The good news for making lasting changes is that you control your motivation. Reaffirm your motivation every single day. By reaffirming your motivation daily, you renew the promise of change that you made to yourself. You brush your teeth and take a shower every day, right? Reaffirm your mental motivation daily as well.

You can replay the experiences of past successes as many times as you need to reaffirm your motivation. Play the video of you achieving past successes. Remember and relive those feelings of accomplishment and personal power. If you succeeded once, you can do it again. Yes, you can do it and you will. Success in making lasting changes is yours.

In making changes that last, you need a plan. In creating your plan, here are five steps to lasting change. After each step, I've listed an example for your reference in making your own plan.
  1. Identify an area(s) that you want to change. (I want to lose 20 pounds.)
  2. Ask yourself three questions about each area:
  3. Why do I want to make this change? (For my health, and to feel stronger and better about myself.)
  4. Is it a good time to make this change? (YES!)
  5. Do I have support to make this change? Identify your system of support. (Yes, my spouse or significant other, my best friend, my friends, my family, my coach.)
  6. Select one or two things you will do to accomplish your change. One or two thing are the maximum. Remember, less is more so you don't get overwhelmed by trying to switch things in your life too abruptly. (To lose 20 pounds, I will: Eliminate simple sugar and refined carbs; Walk four days per week.)
  7. Start slowly, making workable changes occurs in small steps. (I will replace fruit for the simple sugar and refined carbs food choices; I will start out walking three days per week for 20 minutes.)
  8. Write down your reward system. (When I lose five pounds, I will download five new songs on my MP3 player to enjoy while I am walking.)

Write down your plan.

Without a plan that is written down in a journal, in your computer, or a note posted on your refrigerator, your changes are merely a wish list. To put your plan in writing is the equivalent of planting flowers in soil.

To make changes requires personal commitment, dedication, and motivation. There's no external hocus pocus magic. The magic exists in you. When your motivation lessens, review your plan. When you wrote your plan, remember why making this change is important to you. Renew your excitement and the enthusiasm you had when making your plan.

Look at the changes you want to make right now as an opportunity to grow and improve your life. Acknowledge change as another way you are growing in your self-improvement and personal growth. The changes you're planning for today will be the habits that are second-nature before you know it. Just by making your plan using the five steps and replaying past personal successes, you're already on your way!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website: www.LoseWeightFindLife.com

Can I Use Hypnosis To Stop Smoking?

By: dhamza

All habits, inhibitions, and mental blocks are stored in our subconscious mind. With each of these components there are associated feelings and sensations. Some time in the past these temperamental inputs - feelings and sensations - were experienced repeatedly. The repetition reinforced those emotions and made them augmented dominating other emotions. The subconscious mind tries to re-live the event, creates situations so that dominating emotions appear again and again and get further reinforced. As a result the subconscious mind creates and maintains self-made limitations.

To take an paradigm, say a person has a habit of smoking. There are tangible and mental sensations connected with smoking. The subconscious mind will try to occurrence those sensations again. It will initiate a situation in which smoking will become a "necessity". The data stored with the subconscious will be confirmed and the subconscious mind will happily conclude that smoking is a necessity.

To break any bad habit or limitations set up in the subconscious it will be quintessential to change the conviction held by it. The stored emotions of bad habit will have to be replaced with desirable emotions. Hypnotism is one of the methods for changing the beliefs held by the subconscious mind.

There are two broad stages in the process of hypnotism.
  1. Relaxation
  2. Focus on the quandary

In the relaxed condition the subconscious mind is increasingly receptive. You will need to have some perfection in achieving relaxation by practicing stage 1 several times. This is a significant precondition for hypnosis. After you are sufficiently trained in relaxation you can divert your attention to complication solving. By this technique it is possible to solve virtually any personal problems.


Try to recall an event in which you felt totally relaxed. It could be your recent vacation or meeting with old friends or time you spent in a forest away from routine problems. It could be any situation with which memory of your relaxation is connected. If you cannot recall any event you can invent one in your awareness. You can have a combination of real life and imaginary situations.

After deciding the situation you will mentally go there. Write down the steps for going there from your present position. Your steps could be something like this.

  1. I am sitting comfortably on my revered chair.
  2. Now I am shutting out my worries.
  3. My nerves have calmed down and I am feeling more relaxed.
  4. My breathing is becoming numerous rhythmic and relaxed.
  5. I am breathing more deeply. (Ponder on your breathing for a minute or two.)
  6. I am feeling that I have descended into Piedmont Park (if you are in Atlanta, Georgia). (Try to remember the park in detail.)
  7. I am enjoying the natural surroundings, the smell of fresh air, all around there is feast for my eyes.
  8. The atmosphere is so soothing and relaxing. 9. I feel totally relaxed. 10. I am totally relaxed.

After writing these steps, revise and remember them thoroughly because once you start the process of relaxation you cannot break to consult your notes.

In the entire process of relaxation you will be talking to yourself. You can silently talk to yourself or record your talk in your voice and play the recording when you covet to soften. While recording speak in slow and soothing voice. For each step give sufficient time in your recording to experience the feelings as if you are really there.

When you are ready to start the process, sit comfortably in your beloved chair. Close your eyes, silently start talking to yourself and go through the steps one by one. (Or play the recording). Give sufficient time and stress to each step to capture the emotions. After you reach the equivalent of step 10 given in the exemplification above you can retrace your steps and return back to normalcy. You should practise these steps many times so that you are able to calm quickly at will.
Now you are ready to focus on your attention on resolving the problems. From step 10, or its equivalent, you can go directly to the next stage.

Center on Complication Solving There are several methods of concentrating on the problems. A method called 'arrangement interrupting' works well for eliminating habits like smoking. In this process you start with writing the steps and feelings associated with execution of your bad habit.

If you wish to exit smoking, make a list of all the steps you take when you smoke. Following steps are only suggestive; you can make your own steps:

  1. I am totally relaxed (you will be continuing from the relaxed position).
  2. I have an urge to smoke.
  3. I take out a cigarette. There goes my 50c (or whatever the cost of one cigarette).
  4. I take out my lighter.
  5. I can already feel the excitement of smoking.
  6. I light my cigarette.
  7. I am now smoking (remember the taste and the sensation of smoking).
  8. My cigarette is over and I throw away the stub.
  9. The evil act of smoking is over. At last!
  10. Feeling of regret.
  11. Feeling of mischievous accomplishment because I finished my cigarette before Anita could see me smoking.
  12. Comforting feeling that I will not be smoking for some time at least.
  13. I am still relaxed.
  14. What a enormous achievement it will be when I totally resign smoking.

After writing down the steps, try to remember them. Next time after you are in relaxed stage start with the steps to focus on the complication. Try to re-live the encounter. After completing the steps again think of steps 2 to 12 but not sequentially. Think of the steps in random order to break the template. Try to think of each step randomly about 3 times.

Now think of desirable steps. For exemplification, you can weigh on these steps:

  1. I am totally relaxed.
  2. It is commendable that my last cigarette is over.
  3. It feels huge just to think that I will not smoke again.
  4. I am happy that I will not have to hide anything from Joanna.
  5. What a sense of achievement. I have finally exit smoking. I have done it!
  6. This is the victory of my will power over my useless habit.
  7. I am still relaxed.

After repeating those desirable steps scattering times you can slowly come back to your ordinary self.

Hypnotism has amazing power. When used properly it can bring about tremendous allowances. It is a formidable tool and should be used wisely.

Hamza is committed to promoting health and wellness. Sign up for the FREE audiobook at: http://hamzashealthy.blogspot.com/

6 Verbal Communication Skills Everyone Needs To Have

By: Peter Murphy

Almost everyone can talk from a young age; it is quite a different matter altogether to be able to communicate well. Especially if you are trying to communicate in a work setting or with people you do not know well.

You will really need to develop a few more advanced verbal communication skills in order to get your point across to people and to enable other people to also communicate with you so that you achieve whatever it is that you need to achieve.

Very often, subtle changes in the way you phrase things can greatly improve the effectiveness of your verbal communication. Below are some examples of these subtle aspects of speaking and listening.

1. Presupposition
People often doubt their capabilities and this can make them appear reticent and unwilling to progress because they fear doing something wrong. If you are a communicator with responsibility for other people, such as your staff, and your job is to get people to do certain things to the best of their abilities, you can make very good use of presupposition.
Most people are very willing to comply, so it can be very useful to turn your words around make them a statement rather than a request. For example, you should say “when you have improved your communication skills, you will notice how your confidence grows”.
The use of ‘when’ rather than the more doubting ‘if’ or any other phrasing implies that you believe that their communication skills will improve; this is a powerful way of sending a positive message and boosting the confidence of the recipient.

2. Avoid Double Binds
We have all tried to communicate with people who have a negative attitude; it is as if for every positive statement you make, they can counter it with negativity. That leaves your listener paralyzed, unable to act because they feel that they will fail, whatever they attempt to do.
You need to challenge these negative beliefs and replace them with more positive potential outcomes of which your listener has apparently not thought.

3. Tag on to the Yes Set
This is a useful little technique for communicating with a doubting audience. What you need to do is tag on a suggestion to something which is definitely true. For instance, you might say ‘as you read in this article, you can improve your verbal communication skills’; you have already read the article; that’s fact.
It therefore follows that you can improve your verbal communication skills. If one statement is true then the other statement has also to be true, your brain will tell you.

4. Give the Illusion of Choice
Sometimes, there really is not a choice to be had, but simply issuing an order can annoy people; therefore, you should give the illusion of choice; this technique works really well with children. Asking ‘would you like to go to bed in five minutes or ten minutes?’ appears to offer a choice but the result is a child in bed in ten minutes maximum.
A similar effect is to dangle a carrot of a positive result in front of people to get them to do something; for instance, one might say, “when people listen attentively, they usually remember more’; this will give people much more incentive to listen well than simply commanding them to do so.

5. Analogies and Metaphors
People often have rather short attention spans; keep them listening carefully to you by making a story of what you say; make your words live for your audience so that they stick in their minds with plenty of images of metaphors to which they can relate.

6 Be Positive, Not Negative
Nobody really likes to be told not to do something; it also does not give constructive advice to forbid something. It’s a much more effective strategy to tell people what they need to do, so be positive when you communicate.
Following these few guidelines will help to ensure that your verbal communication skills are as effective as possible.

A Feng Shui Expert Can Guide You On The Right Path

By: Amit Bhalla

Every aspect of our life consists of dual forces that govern and regulate our day to day existence. For every form of female (Yin) energy there is a complimentary and contradictory male (Yang) force and for everything positive there is some form of negativity counter balancing it. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that works towards balancing these dualities along with the various elements to bring harmony and prosperity in the various aspects of our life like health, wealth, career and personal relationships. Each of the elements like the earth, wind, water and fire, govern various parts of our existence. If water is useful for activating the career luck, then fire is known to control our passions. A Feng Shui expert is well qualified to accurately balance the elements and energies around you and your living space to provide the best guidance in each area of your life.

Each individual has a specific number that guides his life and this is known as the kua number. A Feng Shui expert can accurately calculate your number and accordingly find out the lucky and unlucky directions in respect to the four major aspects of your life. Each direction controls a certain area of your life and in turn, the benefits of this area can be enhanced or diminished through the use of various colors and objects. A Feng Shui expert is the best guide in case you need advice for activating any area of your life, like your career for example. Only an expert will have the necessary knowledge and competence to correctly gauge your problem and effectively solve it through Feng Shui tips and elements.

Feng Shui is a powerful and potent tool that can work wonders for any individual. However, the reverse is also true because the wrong interpretation and implementation of the principles can back fire, causing more harm than good. Each of the elements is a powerful agent by themselves and a wrong combination can cause havoc in your life. Fire, for instance, is the element that rules the passion of an individual, but too much of the fire element in the house and specifically in the bedroom can cause serious fights and misunderstanding between couples. Hence, it is always better to be safe than sorry and get the guidance of a Feng Shui expert as and when required to rectify a problem or enhance the advantages.

A Feng Shui expert uses many kinds of objects and knickknacks in order to bring about peace, harmony and prosperity to an individual’s living space. However, not everyone knows the authentic from the copy and many people end up buying the fake Feng Shui items, which cannot serve the desired purpose. Only an expert has the knowledge and competence to judge the original from the fake and give you the desired results through Feng Shui tips. Hence, select an expert with care and soon you will find your life turning around for the better, by properly harnessing the positive impact of the elements and dissipating the negativity.

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. Feng Shui expert visit www.myquest.in

Relax With An Office Chair Back Support

By: Matthudson

With time literally running, it seems that we humans have made it a point not to look after ourselves and just to focus on our work and our responsibilities. We barely get time to take care of our health and by the time we think of taking care of the problem, we realize that the problem has aggravated to a great extent.

These days’ body aches are one of the most common problems that a person has and trust me body aches can be really bad if proper care is not taken in the right time and in the initial phase of the problem. One of the often complained about body aches is the back pain. Well if you also have a problem of back pain then you must realize one thing and that is the main cause of this back pain is your bad sitting posture. Well doctors can advice medicines and exercises for this problem but one thing that we do not have is time to spare to do these things. Therefore the best thing that you can opt for, in order to avoid severe back pain, is the use of an office chair back support.

Office chair back support is basically a chair that is properly cushioned to offer you the best and the most comfortable sitting posture. Backache can happen because you have to sit for long hours while you are working in office. It is correctly stated that “prevention is better than cure” and obviously no one would like to suffer from any health related problems because health is wealth and once when health gives up one is left with no energies to do anything. Everyone desires to become successful but one thing is to be understood and that is if you cannot boast of a fit and fine health you will not be able to flourish in your professional life.

Therefore, if you think that you should pay more attention on your career and on your professional responsibilities and ignore your health to a certain extent then you should give up the idea because trust me it will not work. Rather you should pay equal attention to your health as well as your professional life. Well it is a known fact that these days we need to work for long hours and most of our work demands us to sit for long hours. The back portion of our body is a highly complex system and it supports us to the maximum extent. Therefore, if you are suffering from a back problem due to your bad sitting posture then you must get yourself the office chair back support.

An office chair back support helps you to relax while you sit for long hours and helps you to stay away from all the troubles of back pain. Sitting in an incorrect posture can lead to many problems and office chair back support is the best means to give you relief from backache. Human body is highly sophisticated and so sitting in an erect posture can help you stay away from problems. If you do not have office chair back support in your chair then get it replaced at the earliest. Today, you can easily find office chair back support in the market, cushioned just perfectly to give proper support to your back. So why stress yourself and get a back problem, just get yourself an office chair back support and enjoy life.

Sit On A Lumbar Back Support Chair To Maintain Good Posture

By: Matthudson

In human body, lumbar is a back support that holds the entire weight of the body. Today, back pain has become a common problem that has affected many people. Due to sitting continuously in office, you tend to suffer from back pain. Back pain is perilous from health aspect as you have to face some tough situations in life. Studies in this arena divulge that back ache happens due to incorrect sitting posture of the victim. In today’s hi-tech world, people are in quest to prove themselves; they work for long hours sitting in front of computer screen and forget about healthy aspects. Consequently, this has increased the number of people who are victim of back aches due to inadequate lumbar back support.

Human body is made on a highly complex mechanism and especially the back portion is very critical. Even medical science studies reveal that sometimes it is out of their reach to find out the exact cause of back pain. You get highly involved in important work and forget about the proper sitting posture. Our back bone is also called spinal cord which is inter-connected with various bones, muscles that are minutely attached with one another.Generally, back aches are due to improper sitting style for hours at your work location. To avoid such ailments, lumbar back support is needed to give you a comfortable sitting and if you are really caring about your health then must check for the highly cushioned chairs. This problem can also occur due to watching TV continuously, doing some work at home for elongated hours.

The lower back framework of the human body is designed in such a way that it has a natural inward curve towards the stomach. And so the space between lower back portion and the stomach needs lumbar back support. If your office chairs are not having lumbar back support then get it changed to avoid back aches and other problems related. If the office management is planning to remove old chairs with new chairs then you must recommend them to buy lumbar back support chairs. You can adjust these chairs according to your height to give utmost rest to your back portion. Even car seat do have lumbar back support, but if your car seat do not have this then get it removed earliest to avoid back aches. Sometimes chairs are not properly cushioned and if you have some idea about type of cushions needed for chair that can offer you a comfort sitting then must consider it.

Lumbar back support can give you the true comfort that is highly required by your body. Check for the sitting posture that you are usually sitting in the style. If you are victim of back ache then consult doctor to undergo a medical procedure. If the things have become very severe, then medical therapy can be considered. Lumber back support chairs are not so much expensive and you can find many dealers that sells such chairs.So, next time when you are buying any chair, do remember to purchase a lumbar back support chair.

Auto Back Support-removes Your Back Pain

By: Matthudson

A person with good personality catches one’s eye. A good posture is a symbol of great personality. Sitting or standing posture is taken into account when the personality of a person is defined. A person with good persona attracts one and all. Working for long hours in the same position can affect our health a lot. Due to improper sitting and working habits, most of the working people are suffering from backache. Today, the scenario is such that people need to sit constantly at one position and stare at the computer. Sitting in the same position for a long time causes spinal cord related problems. In this case, auto back support gives much relief. To meet the deadline, people ignore their health and work continuously. Auto back support helps to remove any sort of a back problem that is caused due to wrong sitting posture.

Many times, we ignore backache problem. If we keep on ignoring the backache problem for a long time, then in future it may turn out to be chronic. So, if you are suffering from the problem of spinal chord, consult a physician immediately and follow his advice. Today most of the doctors prescribe for the auto back support. It is very easy to use. We can use it at home, at office and while driving. It relives backache problem to a great extent. Work pressure compels a person to sit in one place for a long time but auto back support helps them to feel relax. With the upcoming of auto back support, you can bid goodbye to back pain. People perform various exercises to get relief from the back pain but it hardly relaxes them.

Auto back support comes in various shapes and sizes. Depending on ones necessity, a particular type of back support is suggested. With a proper back support, one can get rid of their back pain. Medicines can relieve backache for time being, but no sooner, you return to your office chair, problems starts to irritate you again. Improper and long sitting habits causes back pain. People sit hours after hours in front of the computer neglecting all their physical problems. They work hard to meet the deadlines and in the process, they borne the disease. Due to the present working scenario, people are suffering from severe back pain. Spinal cord is a very important part of our body and its injury may prove fatal.

A proper back support can very easily be fastened to your car seat and office chair. Its weighs is only 3 lbs. It has two carrying handles and two elastic straps. It has a lifetime warranty. A perfect auto back support eliminates pressure points and reduces fatigue, neck pain and headaches. An individual with erect and good persona wins over the heart of many and he is very popular among his friends circle and colleagues. If you are suffering from acute back pain then back support can be very helpful. Back support is portable and very easy to use. Its benefits cannot be ignored and people are finding it very useful. If you are suffering from backache use auto back support, then do not ignore your problem and before your backache causes you much pain, consult a physician.

Essential Home Fitness Equipment For Beginners

By: Julie Russell

I have noticed that there are a lot of people who feel comfortable working out at home and feel very uncomfortable at the thought of going to a gym. Maybe they don't want to be around people or aren't proud of their bodies or they just don't like the commute. For me, it's just the convenience of being able to stay in the clothes I have on and pick up the weights.

So, it's great that fitness equipment stores, whether Online or actual physical places, carry a variety of exercise equipment for everyone. Most of these stores carry new and used exercise equipment. The used is generally still in great condition and is a little bit cheaper.

If you are a beginner, know that the best thing to do is clear space that is designated for workouts, alone. This way, you will have a single minded purpose when you are in your 'workout room' and you won't get distracted.

Having worked out at the gym and at home, I can say that, to get a home workout that rivals a gym workout, you must have the right equipment. To me, there are 3 pivotal things that you need:
  1. Any piece of of cardio equipment. Whether it's a treadmill, a stair stepper or a bike, just have something accessible that will get your heart rate going! Tip-it's good to have variety. I often like to run for 30 minutes, then bike for 10, or do the stepper, then bike.
  2. Free weights. Most personal trainers will tell you that using free weights is a better option because you have to control them and it is not as easy to cheat. I think that this is true. I prefer them and let's face it-they don't take up a lot of space. You can have many different weights or get something like a Power Block.
  3. Workout accessories. Resistance bands, balls, steppers, etc, will come in handy. You can get some great workouts on a ball and those bands will give you some variety, along with the free weights.

These tools are a great start, but you may want to consider something like a Bowflex or Total Gym after you get established. These kinds of home exercise equipment give you a lot of options in that you should be able to do many different leg, back and arm exercises.

Gyms have machines that, added up, probably costs hundreds of thousands. Most people will never have that, but there is a compromise. Just buying a few pieces of home fitness equipment will get you on the right path. Don't compare yourself to a gym, just do the best you can.

Variety is key in working out at home, because it's easy to get bored or hit a plateau. You will learn how to use the equipment that you have to it's fullest potential.

So whether you choose new or used fitness equipment for your home, just be sure to consider the essentials. It's a start, then you can build your home gym to better suit your needs.

Julie Russell is a fitness & nutrition enthusiast. Visit her website at www.MyBestHealthandFitness.com . You'll find lots of free fitness and nutrition tips as well as reviews of the best fitness and nutrition products Online.

Office Chair Back Support-supports Your Back

By: Matthudson

An individual spends a lot of time in office. Sitting on the office chair for a long time may cause innumerable pain to his back. Many a times, he neglects his backache problem and carries with his work. Work pressure compels one to sit on his chair for a long time. In this competitive world, everybody wants to work hard and progress. They are least bothered about their health. In the process of increasing bank balance they neglect their health and body. To meet deadline is very important in today’s world. Sitting in an improper posture for along time may cause spinal cord problem. This problem is mostly visible among the office going individuals. One should not neglect the disease and must go to a doctor for treatment. Many a cases, office chair back support can cure the backache problem.

To have an office chair back support is a must in every office today. It removes the backache problem to a great extent. Office chair back support is very comfortable and with it one can sit and work with ease. If your chair in the office is not at all comfortable, then get it replaced immediately. Sitting on a comfortable chair relaxes your body. Make sure the seat has enough elastic foam padding to reduce the stress on hips and thighs. Backache problem is quite prominent today among the employees. Before your backache turns chronic, get it checked by an experienced doctor. The more you neglect this disease, the more you have to suffer.

A healthy mind and a diseased free body can work and think effectively. In this world of software, we need to focus on the computer screen continuously. In doing so, we develop backache problem. Unless and until the problem becomes chronic, we do not feel the necessity to get check up by a physician and physiotherapist. And ultimately, we have to suffer a lot. Regular exercises can also help us to get relief from this problem. But, it should be done in accordance to the doctor’s advice. One can also get relief from the backache problem by performing brisk walking, swimming or even light yoga. If you are an office going person and had to stare on the computer for a long time then office chair back support will be the right option. With this specially designed chair, you can complete your work without any hurdle.

Besides, sitting in an improper posture in the office for a long time, activities like driving a long distance restlessly and watching TV in a wrong posture can also cause backache problem. It is not a denying fact that work is important but at the same time one should take care of his health. Only a diseased free body can prosper in life. No one can cure the disease by themselves but it is very important that one should make a little effort to fight against the disease. There are varieties of office chair back support available in the market. If you are facing any problem with your office chair get it replaced with a right one.

Matt Hudson works towards helping out people in adopting a healthy sitting posture. He knows that having a good sitting arrangement with proper back support can go a long way in treating back pain and many other conditions. To know more about Posture back support, lumbar back support, Office chair back support and Car seat back support visit http://www.trucomfort.com/

Meditation Kabbalah Style

By: Darnell Istead

Is Kabbalah wisdom? Where can you find it? How can you achieve it?

Kabbalah is the most ancient and most significant wisdom in the history of humans. The wisdom of Kabbalah allows us to achieve a higher level of our personal existence. When you understand your true purpose in life, you are able to achieve limitless possibilities. Only then are you able to experience deep tranquility and perfection.

Kabbalah meditation is evidently able to offer solutions to problems, and creates peace in place of disorder. In addition, Kabbalah meditation can give us the answer to the most-sought after question of our existence, "Who am I?"

Kaballah, when literally translated, means "to receive." Reception is the eminent purpose of Kabbalah. Through Kabbalah meditation we learn how to receive. Further, Kabbalah teaches us that the physical things in life are not important. We learn how to seek the non-physical things in life, and we learn how to obtain them.

The Zohar is an ancient text that serves as the source of Kabbalah wisdom. The Zohar is no ordinary text written with pen and paper. In fact, some historians are persuaded to believe that the Zohar is actually the Holy Grail. The Zohar, a twenty-three volume collection of wisdom, is also known and the "Tree of Life" and is recognized by all religions. This text is the one used to create miracles. It also maintains to end worldly destruction and even death.

The Zohar works essentially like a light bulb. Kabbalah meditation is much like flipping a light switch in our lives. The Zohar in the Kabbalah meditation gives off light on the dark spots in our lives like sickness, sadness, and death as well.

People who are new or who haven't heard about Kabbalah meditation would assume that it is a religion. Without a doubt, Kabbalah is NOT a religion. Rather, Kabbalah meditation is about the light. And the light is not limited to a select few, but it is for everyone in spite of religion and race.

Kabbalists say that this form of meditation answers life's three most critical questions: who we really are, where we came from, and why we are here. Basically, Kabbalah meditation simply provides you with the tools you need to achieve joy, feel a deep sense of accomplishment, and experience life under the Higher Being's Light.

Kabbalah was seen as mysticism in ancient times. People considered it to be too mystical. However, Kabbalah is now thought of as a science -- the science of the soul.

There are several Internet sites that can provide more information and offer online courses on Kabbalah meditation. Visit kabbalah.com to take a thorough tour of the history of Kabbalah. You will also learn about modern Kabbalah meditation practice. While it may seem to have a strong spiritual aspect, Kabbalah is fundamentally the same as other meditation techniques.

Darnell Istead is a regular columnist for several popular web sites like www.uberarticles.com

Meditation Techniques For All Different Environments

By: Scott Byers

Some people have a good sense of focus and concentration. They can control and focus their mind no matter what is happening around them. On the other side, there are some people who will always seem disturbed. Their judgment and quality of work is affected because they can hardly concentrate. These type of people find meditation to be a good aid. During meditation, they can create mental space and achieve a certain degree of enlightenment.

Because people are so individual, meditation has a variety of different effects. Factors such as mood, individuality, and character can affect their meditation results. When a person can not understand himself, his confusion is reflected to his actions. Thus, contemplation is needed to achieve an enlightened consciousness.

The essentials of meditation include a quite space for reflection, a mantra to be recited, and total concentration. Although sitting is considered the best basic form of meditating, there are other ways to achieve the process. After you become familiar with the practice, you can create other forms of meditation. When you have set your mind for meditation, it will be easier to stay well tuned. The spiritual essence and mental awareness can be combined with the mental and physical flow of life.

When meditation becomes part of your normal routine, you will always find time to meditate. It is only natural that you will always be in search of that blissful state only reached during moments of meditation.

What should you do if you can not find an area that is conducive of meditation? Even when your environment doesn't lend itself easily to deep thought, it is possible to focus and concentrate. You can place your mind into the state of meditation by focusing on an area in the room, your own breathing, or a small object. Tricky colors and relaxing music can help achieve meditation and extend such practice beyond the period of meditation.

Athletes, or anyone involved in active pursuits, must be grounded and focus on their skills or tasks. Contact with their higher consciousness can give them more physical ability. One famous female boxer disclosed that because of the violence of her profession, she always meditates and chants. To find internal peace, she formatted her own way of leaving the atmosphere of the gym. She listens to the sound the speed bag makes when she hits it in a certain way. The one way blow has a distinct sound, and it varies with the impact of the glove. Keeping her eyes closed and meditating on the sound of the speed bag was all that was necessary for her to meditate.

If a basketball player employs meditation at the free-throw line, he can transcend the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the play. He can allow himself to enter a loosely meditative state and handle the pressures and stresses that come from around him.

Use creativity when modifying your way of meditation. Step outside of your box, and cause your imagination to work.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about meditation, then please visit our website www.easymeditationguide.com

What Is Quantum Touch

By: Fred H

The body has inherent healing powers. This is obvious from the fact that when you get scrapes and bruises, you don't do anything and they disappear in a day or two. Since many of us don't pay much attention to the language of the body, it is interesting to know how your body works this minor miracle.

The truth is that your body is capable of healing much more quickly and powerfully than you can imagine. Conventional medicine may be skeptical about the healing powers of the body, but that does not negate the fact that you actually heal yourself and, once you know how to do it, you can heal others as well. The wisdom of the ancient sages is now being revived and its new name is Quantum Touch.

This does not refer to the new age claptrap, but it is actually a real system known as Quantum Touch that is based on the scientific principles of resonance and entrainment. It is, as the name suggests, a healing touch that has a quantum effect since it allows you to use a system of carefully designed breath work and meditation to generate a powerful healing effect.

Quantum touch is now becoming recognized as a valuable healing system, and has been used to cure a number of problems much faster then anyone would ever have believed possible, often allowing a practitioner to produce effects in less then an hours work, that would take conventional medicine months or even years to achieve.

Quantum touch raises your body's energy by using specific patterns of breath combined with meditation. This works on the sub-molecular, or quantum, level to stimulate the natural regenerative capability of your body. Once you experience how it works, you can then extend this to heal others. All you need to do is to bring this high energy state into contact with them.

When you surround yourself with a high vibrational field, and then bring that field into contact with another person, their field is naturally stimulated to raise itself to the same level. This is a well understood scientific principle, known as resonance. Two fields, vibration at different speeds, will naturally come together- usually through the slower rising to match the higher.

Thus simply through contact, you can produce the same high energy healing state in anyone else. This whole process is known as entrainment. When you raise the vibrational level of a specific part of a persons body, for example a part that is inflamed or injured, the higher vibration encourages the bodies natural healing to begin.

However, you must know that it is not you who is healing another person; you are simply creating the situation in which the other person's natural healing power is activated. The truth is that all healing is ultimately self healing.

Considering the popularity of quantum touch, a large number of doctors, including the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, have examined it many times and in detail. They have put it through the most stringent of laboratory conditions and found it successful in healing.

The mainstream medical community is beginning to recognize Quantum Touch and has even been included in some university medical courses. It is worth trying; you may well be pleasantly surprised with its wonderful results.

5 Minutes Of Doing Nothing

By: Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC's

As a coach, I work with numerous over-achieving clients, who are super "doers". Yet, amidst all the success, they desire more balance in their lives and are intrigued with the idea of "being" more. BEING meaning...connecting more to yourself...or your soul. Perhaps you, too, desire more balance and more of that divine connection to YOU. The good news is, it’s easy to begin integrating "beingness" into your life. And, every client who has embarked on this exercise has experienced an immediate positive impact.

Take 5 Minutes each day for the next week, and do "nothing". Just spend time BEING. That means, clear away the thoughts, clear away the action and just be. No books, no journaling, no sleeping, NO THINKING. Nothing. Just BE. That’s it. Too simple. Well, yes and no.

Yes, it’s relatively simple to find 5 minutes out of your 24 hours a day to set aside for yourself. Can you do it? Absolutely. The real question is WILL you actually take those 5 minutes for yourself - each day - for a whole week? Deciding to go for it is the easy part. The clients that have taken on this seemingly innocent task tap into a new sense of awareness. At first, clients realize how much "chitter-chatter" is going on inside their brains, and how challenging it is to turn OFF the chatter. Clients also realize how ‘programmed’ they are to do, do, do, and go, go, go. Doing "nothing" may seem more challenging than doing "doing". You may feel this also.

Yet, as you stay with the process, and let go of the "doingness" and just BE, you will begin to experience an array of benefits, including a greater sense of peace, expanded sense of time and personal insight. Taking control of these 5 minutes is the first step in taking control of your life. Soon "beingness" will begin to play a larger role in your life. I don’t want to spoil all the surprises for you.

Sitting Meditation For Peace Of Mind

By: Ilchi Lee

How beneficial it is for your mind and spirit when you meditate for at least 30 minutes a day – seated elegantly with legs crossed, straight lower back, and a peaceful expression on your face. But for most newcomers, meditation means sitting with legs crossed for perhaps only a few minutes, legs aching, shoulders heavy, and spine curved in defeat.

How can we sit both correctly and comfortably? Ilchi Lee, founder of Dahn Yoga and Brain Education, gives a simple answer. He recommends sitting on a thin mat on the floor with your legs half-crossed, one foot pulled firmly next to your body, while your other leg is bent and placed on top of the first. Relax your shoulders and arms, and put both your hands gently on your thighs with your palms facing up.

Slowly rotate your upper body five times to the left and then to the right to naturally position your spine and knees. Hold your head and neck erect. Relax your facial muscles and slowly close your eyes. Check for the correctness of your posture – your spine is straight; the rest of your body is relaxed.

As Ilchi Lee states, “When your sitting posture is correct and comfortable, you can enter more easily into a deep meditation as Ki-energy (life-force) and blood circulation is stimulated in the whole body.”

If your knees are too high off the floor with legs half-crossed, sit on a cushion or on a folded blanket. If you experience lower back pain, use a floor chair. Eventually you will learn to sit comfortably without the help of sitting props. According to Ilchi Lee, “Do not force yourself to hold a perfect posture, as that can cause tension; develop your posture a little bit at a time.”

Sitting postures are difficult to hold properly because of the body’s inflexibility. So before starting the meditation, relax your body with meridian-stretching exercises. Ilchi Lee suggests this method: “Sit with both legs stretched out in front of you, grab your toes with your hands, bend at the waist, pull your body forward, and slowly exhale as you stretch forward.”

You can feel great dignity and confidence as your sitting posture becomes stronger. Ilchi Lee affirms, “You can feel the beauty inside yourself, sitting with your lower body solidly on the floor (Earth), and your upper body stretching upward (Heaven). As a human being, you are the link between the two.”

As Ilchi Lee has observed about the inspirational dimension of meditation, “We are usually unaware of our five senses. We almost never think of our sensory organs as separate from ourselves. Thus, we are tricked into thinking that the phenomena we perceive through our senses are the substance of reality. Sitting in meditation, however, I come to feel my self with sensory organs. My self, with eyes, nose, ears, thoughts and emotions, sits here like this. Who is this I sitting here? I cast my mind toward the distant void of Heaven, far, far off into the distance. I enter into a state of deep, deep peace.”

Meditation Supports Quit Smoking Programs

By: S.E. Odom

Fortunately, several quit smoking support programs have been set up throughout the country to help smokers fight the withdrawal symptoms. The most common withdrawal symptoms are mood changes, anxiety, depression and frustration. One also tends to be irritable and restless during the initial days.

Both self-help groups and clinics offer the quit smoking support programs. Most of these programs are run by professionals and can be customized to meet your needs. You can either attend an intensive quit smoking support program that runs for a week to fifteen days or enroll yourself for weekly sessions.

The popularity of the quit smoking support programs is mainly due to the extensive counseling that they provide to smokers. They teach you to deal with withdrawal symptoms. They also provide you support and guidance at every step by understanding your problems. You can talk with the counselors even after you have finished the program. This can help prevent a relapse.
Besides counseling, most quit smoking support programs also prescribe nicotine replacement therapy or NRT. Some also suggest medication like Zyban. You can also choose from alternative treatments like hypnosis procedures, acupressure and meditation though these are often not very successful.

The advantage with NRT is that it reduces your craving for nicotine. You can use NRT in the form of gums, patches, sprays and inhalers. Though gums and patches are available over the counter other forms of NRT can be taken only under medical supervision. They reduce your nicotine dependency by releasing a small quantity of nicotine into the body. The dosage can be regulated to control the withdrawal symptoms, and stopped completely once your urge to smoke disappears.

Zyban creates a false feeling of pleasure in the person, a feeling that is similar to the one experienced while smoking. This drug should be taken strictly under medical supervision. It has a few side effects associated with it, and should be avoided by people suffering from heart disease, epilepsy and pregnant women.

Along with medication, the quit smoking support professionals counsel the smokers about the benefits of not smoking. The sessions can be on an individual basis or in the form of group sessions. Sometimes an ex-addict can also share his experiences. Such sessions are extremely motivating because they give the smokers the belief that they can actually quit smoking.

Since the chances of a relapse are very high, most quit smoking support programs have a 24-hour help line service where counselors listen to queries and provide solutions. At the end of a program the smokers are given listening and reading material to reinforce their resolve to quit smoking.

Quit smoking support can also be extended by friends and family members. They can play a big role in keeping their friend or relative occupied. They can also help in preventing relapse by urging the smokers to return to the quit smoking support program if the need arises.

Seven Qigong Practices For Hypertension

By: H. Wei Williams

A large factor contributing to hypertension is stress, and any healthy lifestyle has to include solutions to reducing stress in our lives. Besides getting adequate, regular sleep and rest, there is one other way to reduce mental, emotional and physical stress.

Qigong (a.k.a. chi kung) is an excellent way to reduce stress. One reason is because it provides a physical workout and another reason is that qigong involves yogic meditation — an opportunity to relax mentally and remove ourselves for an hour or two from the daily stresses so prevalent in modern society.

There are many kinds of qigong meditation. The more well-known types include moving meditation such as tai chi chuan. There is also the still type of meditation known as jinggong in Chinese. With still meditation, we can meditate standing up, sitting down and even lying down.

During still meditation, we can focus our mind on yogic breathing, some quiet meditative music, an object for visualization or a mantra. Or we can practice mindfulness, wherein we empty our minds of extraneous thoughts and become passive observers, mindful of everything around us, but not mentally, emotionally or physically involved in any way.

Since a growing number of studies indicate qigong and yogic meditation to be especially beneficial to health, particularly when reducing high blood pressure, we should include at least twenty minutes of qigong still meditation as part of our daily routine.

Most people who have never meditated before think it is difficult to "still the running horses" of our mind and think of nothing. If you are new to qigong meditation, here is a simple exercise you can try out, focusing on your breath.

Find a quiet place where you can meditate undisturbed. Sit cross-legged or on a chair with your vertebrae vertically straight, chin withdrawn slightly to align your head with the rest of your spine.

Relax your shoulders. Relax your chest by letting it slump slightly forward. Close your eyes or keep them partially closed to help remove some of the visual distractions around you.

In qigong we concentrate on generating internal life energy in our body and manipulating it for preventive health, healing and longevity. Rest your tongue against the palate and ridge of your upper teeth. Your tongue acts as a bridge for the energy to flow down from your head to the rest of your torso.

Practice diaphragmatic breathing to maximize your breathing capacity. Inhale slowly and visualize bright golden healing energy entering from the top of your head and flowing down from your head through your palate and your tongue down to the rest of your trunk.

Pause briefly before exhaling slowly and gently as you visualize the energy collecting in a point three inches below your navel. This very important area is known as the lower dantian or Field of Elixir, and is the source of your primordial energy — the intrinsic lifeforce you were born with and which gave you life. Imagine your dantian getting very hot with every breath, filling you with warm healing energy.

Pause briefly again before inhaling and repeating the steps outlined. Focus your mind on the visualization and your slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing. In time, you will find your dantian actually becoming very hot, as you begin generating more and more of this healing energy in your body.

At first, you may only be able to sit for five to ten minutes before becoming too restless and easily distracted. Try to work your way up to a minimum of twenty minutes to half an hour. Regular meditation, in addition to qigong exercise, diet and all the other healthy practices I've mentioned here will help not only to reduce hypertension, but also provide you with vibrant energy, health and well-being.

H. Wei Williams trained intensively in qigong/chi kung and tai chi chuan for health, self-defence and spiritual growth—several hours a day, 365 days a year. Her 30 years of knowledge and teaching experience in martial arts, Chinese medicine, meditation and yogic breathing is reflected in the wide range of topics offered on her website. Visit http://www.chikung-unlimited.com/ to see how qigong/chi kung can meet your individual needs.

The History Of Zen Meditation

By: Editor 123

The history of Zen meditation has its origins in Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. Some believe that it originated from yogic methods. Buddhism entered China centuries ago via a monk called Bodhidharma who visited China to teach Buddhism and blended with Taoism and its principles and practices were adopted. These practices include vegetarianism, avoiding alcohol, emptiness, etc. Gradually 'Chan' or Zen Buddhism became a major part of Chinese Buddhism and also created a huge body of scriptures, in spite of the fact that the transmission of these principles does not involve words. Zen meditation has also spread to the Americas and Europe and is widely practiced.

There is hardly anyone who has not heard about the history of Zen meditation today, with the concept of Zen so popularly being discussed wherever there is any talk about meditation. Zen or sitting meditation, as it is called, involves sitting in a series of positions and relaxing the body and mind to bare oneself to oneness with nature. As the specific positions are followed, distracting thoughts exit as the heart rate lowers, gentle breathing follows and the individual transcends to the meditative state of reflection. The energy that results from this leads to a connection between the soul, mind and body.

Throughout the history of Zen meditation, the practice is to have your mind in the current moment - there is no contemplation on the past or future. Zen meditation focuses the mind on the thought of the moment, which basically means that you mentally travel to nothingness. Instead you aim for a blank mind that is clear, clean, and calm.

The Sequence Of Steps Involved In A Typical Zen Meditation Practice:
  • Become conscious of your inhaled breath and exhaled breath.
  • As the breathing gets deeper and slower, focus on them and feel the sense of peace.
  • During the inhaled breath focus on the physical body. During the exhaled breath get each part of your body to relax starting with the shoulders and gradually working towards other parts of the body.
  • The inhaled breath helps you relax the various parts of the body and the exhaled breath helps you appreciate and empathize with its needs.]
  • Next, get your facial muscles to relax one by one and in the process, relay a gentle smile to different parts of your body.
  • As you experience oneness with your body, ensure that all the muscles are relaxed.
  • Your inhaled breath will make you conscious to the joy of life, the wonders of breathing, seeing and hearing.
  • Bring yourself back to focusing on your inhaled and exhaled breath - to the current moment.
  • Your posture of sitting at this stage will make you feel in control of yourself, your body, your soul and mind.

The above steps flow into each other through regular practice of Zen meditation.

Za'zen is said to be the core of the Zen meditation process and aims at making a major shift in our attitude towards life. It tries to release the pressure of expectations and develop acceptance and appreciation for what is, and not what is expected. This is the basis from which the history of Zen meditation evolved.

Modern Meditation Exercise

By: Editor 123
Do you feel stressed every time or barely find time to eat your meals and time to relax? Well, the concept of modern meditation has proved bless for all such busy and stressed people who are desperately looking for an immediate solution for dealing their stress level. The ancient practice of modern meditation has been helpful in changing the lifestyles of millions of people around the world.

The concept of modern meditation can be applied anywhere and any time to make you feel balanced and stress free. Simple meditation exercises of modern mediation can be done while you are at home or at office desk, walking on the road or climbing stairs. So, with modern meditation you can feel back on the track of happiness, peace and great relief from stress and burden.

Even scientists have proved that by following modern meditation, you can avert your anxiety, worry and stress to a great extent and actually feel better in life. In addition, it is also found that people who practice modern meditation regularly perform much better than people who don’t practice this concept. So, till if you haven’t tried your hands in modern meditation exercises, better you try it once and see the results.

Exercises Used in Modern MeditationThere are numerous simple exercise which can be used to shed off your tensions and worries in life. The main objective of creating exercising processes is to control your breath and counting your inhales and exhales. Emphasis is also given on concentrating on the rhythm of the surroundings to sharpen your focus positively.

Online Modern Meditation
Internet is the finest way to find applicable modern meditation exercise that will increase your health and the body’s overall productivity. Therefore, it is advised to surf the internet and check the various offerings by different websites to give the most effective results.

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