Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

What is Worldprofit?

This Business is making yours more profitable

At Worldprofit, or business is making your business online more efficient, more customer-centered, and more profitable. Worldprofit has been helping businesses online since 1994, longer than any other online business support company. The reason we're still here is clear: people like what we do for their business and bottom line!

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  • You get expert training, technical and customer support. Worldprofit specializes in providing both live and recorded training accessible 24/7. We understand that you may not be an online expert, may in fact have no experience at all in building a business and profiting online. That's why we provide the most detailed training program online along with prompt and efficient technical and customer support. You will be trained by online experts who have one objective in mind: making sure you understand what you need to do to profit online every single day and being trained, patiently and thoroughly, to do it.

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7 Character Traits of Successful People

By Chris Widener

  1. They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and people who are willing to do it.

  2. They are honest. Those who are successful long-term are the honest ones. Dishonest people may get the first sale, but honest people will get all the rest!

  3. They persevere. How many success stories will go untold because they never happened? And all because someone quit. Successful people outlast everybody else.

  4. They are friendly. Have you noticed that most successful people are friendly and people oriented? This endears them to others and enables them to lead others to accomplish the task.

  5. They are lifelong learners. Successful people are people who stretch themselves and grow continually, learning from all areas of life, including from their mistakes.

  6. They over-deliver. The old statement of under-promise and over-deliver became famous because it made a lot of people successful, including the richest man in the world - Bill Gates.

  7. They seek solutions in the face of problems. Problems are opportunities to do the impossible, not just complain. Successful people are the ones who find solutions.

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success and Extraordinary Leaders, two companies helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams. Join subscribers in over 100 countries around the world! Get Chris' FREE weekly Made for Success Ezine by sending a blank email to success-on@mail-list.com.

The Amazing Power of..."Intelligent Optimism"

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

Lately our everyday reality seems to leave little room for optimism. People around the world are suffering from very real natural and personal crises. Our TV’s and newspapers are packed with sadness and fear.

In times like these it is very important to hold tight to a powerful life success tool – optimism.
Why optimism? Because optimism activates your amygdala (pronounced ahh-mig-da-la) -- a very important part of your brain that increases your ability to create positive answers to life's challenges.

So what is Optimism?
You might fairly ask just what optimism really is. Well first, optimism is not just a Pollyanna everything is wonderful attitude. And it goes beyond the concept of "positive thinking."

Optimism is actually a refined mental style of how one chooses to respond to life. Webster’s Dictionary defines optimism as “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events, or to anticipate the best possible outcome.”

But you might fairly ask how you can be optimistic in the face of today’s often overwhelming challenges?

So let’s face it, life can be very tough at times. But even in the midst of personal turmoil and overwhelming crisis, the same thing holds true: We choose how to interpret what is happening to and around us, and we also choose how we will respond.

Our Greatest Life-Success Power
This ability to choose our mental outlooks and actions is actually the greatest life-success power we humans have.

Virtually everything happening to you right now offers this choice. And it doesn’t even matter if that thing is “good” or “bad.” Even if something undesirable happens, you still have the power to choose how you will interpret and respond to that event.

It’s admitedly easy to feel overwhelmed at times, and fall into a habit of making non-optimistic choices. Such an “attitude meltdown” often comes hand-in-hand with chronic or overwhelming stress. But each moment you DO have a choice to either let life wear you down, or to set your mind in a more positive direction.

Mayo Clinic researcher Dr. Toshihiko Maruta reports that optimists have a dramatically higher level of physical and mental functioning than pessimists. "How you perceive what goes on around you and how you interpret it has an impact on your longevity, and also affect the quality of your entire life."

The Optimism-Financial Success Connection
Optimism is also at the very heart of financial health.

Why do I say this? Ask almost any self-made millionaire about their path to prosperity and you’ll get a similar story: Just like learning any other skill, learning to create lasting financial success is learned. And the learning process is based on trial and error.

Consider the term “trial and error.” A “trial” means you’re going to try a lot of different approaches to achieving financial success, and “error” means not all of them are going to work.

I’ve personally been there myself. On my personal path to creating financial independence I’ve tried many different approaches. Some of these trials have been successful, but many have led straight into out-and-out struggles. And have there been errors along the way? Oh yes!

Here’s the big lesson I’ve learned along the way: One of the most important tools in your “financial health tool bag” is the ability to remain optimistic. There are other important tools to be sure … like passion, drive and focus. But without optimism, you’ll never get beyond where you are today.

But optimism isn’t about denying reality. And it isn’t about being idealistic, or chasing after some totally unrealistic condition or situation

“Intelligent Optimism”
Many people seem more adept at practicing dissatisfaction than optimism. They worry about money, complain about their business, and compare themselves poorly to others. And in terms of the physical health of their brains -– they are actually building and strengthening the neural networks associated with their problems.

But most psychologists agree that the aptitude for optimism is not genetically determined. In other words, anyone can learn to be optimistic. All it requires is a good grasp of reality, along with practice.

In a very interesting cover story, the French magazine Psychologies (January 2005) suggested we focus on "intelligent optimism." According to their insight:

Intelligent optimists don’t deny problems, they adjust to them while still seeking an opportunity for progress.

Intelligent optimists don’t allow themselves to get carried away by circumstances they can’t change. They instead focus on things within their grasp, and that they can enjoy.

Intelligent optimists also know that for every problem there is (at least the beginning of) a solution, and that the search for that solution can be inspirational in itself.

Intelligent optimists are also not afraid of negative thoughts, which they realize are just internal messages they can choose to either listen to, or reject.

Just Nod “Yes”
How can you develop intelligent optimism? It all starts with a realistic attitude -- with facing the reality of your current situation, identifying what you can’t change, and going to work on what you CAN change or improve.

But here’s an interesting tool that can move you along even faster: Learn how to activate key portions of your brain by nodding your head “yes.” A recent Ohio State University study proved that nodding or shaking your head serves as "self-validation" that confirms to yourself how you feel about your own thoughts.

The researchers found that nodding your head up and down is, in effect, telling yourself that you have confidence in your own thoughts, And it's important to note that this is true whether those thoughts are positive or negative. Shaking your head does the opposite: It gives you less confidence in your own thoughts.

“One of the most surprising things we found,” explained lead researcher Dr Petty, “is that if you're thinking negative thoughts while you're nodding, this actually strengthens your disapproval. What head nodding does in this case is increase your confidence in your negative thoughts. In contrast, when the thoughts were mostly positive, then nodding increases confidence in your positive thoughts.”

Try this: As you go about your day today, be aware of how you are responding to what is happening around you. Try making a conscious choice to respond, rather than just automatically react in your customary way. And nod your head to remind yourself that you are holding a positive, "intelligent optimist" attitude.

The above insights and tools are representative of those found in the author's remarkably powerful personal transformation ecourse. Come find out for yourself why thousands of intelligent people around the world are using her proven techniques for lasting personal change


By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler

Even if you’re a genius, you’re far more intelligent than you realize!

John von Neumann, the inventor of the computer, estimated our brains hold two hundred and eighty quintillion bits of memory (that's 280, followed by 18 zeros). But most of today's neuroscientists feel his estimate is far too low.

A few short years ago scientists believed "geniuses" were born with brains somehow differed from the rest of us. But recent scientific research suggests that genius-level brainpower is *also* the result of mental training, and not just genetic superiority.

Even today's "Einsteins" are now seen by neuroscientists as "ordinary" people who have developed "extraordinary" mental powers and focus.

How Genius is Developed
We don't often think of the mind as a tool whose powers can be "developed" on such a dramatic level. But the good news is -- there are definite, proven-effective ways to develop your brain's capacity for genius.

Modern neuroscientists claim that genius-level mental functioning is all about connections.
“Which connections?” you ask. The maze of interconnections among your neurons. The evidence is: The more you stimulate and challenge your brain -- the more connections it is forced to make among neurons (brain cells).

And the more interconnections you have between your brain's neurons, the closer you move toward genius-level creativity and thinking!

Einstein’s Secret
As a child, Albert Einstein was seriously dyslexic and had great difficulty with both speech and reading. He was expelled from high school and flunked his first college entrance exam, but finally managed to complete his bachelor's degree.

He then took lowly job in the Swiss patent office. But then when he was only 26, he published his "Special Theory of Relativity." Sixteen later he won a Nobel Prize.

Dr. Thomas Harvey, a pathologist on duty at Princeton Hospital when Einstein died in 1955, removed Einstein's brain. Harvey studied it under a microscope over a 40 year period, but never found a difference from "normal" brains.

But then in the early 1980s, Marian Diamond, a neuro-anatomist at the University of California at Berkeley, made some interesting discoveries. Her findings about brains in general (and Einstein's brain in particular) revolutionized our ideas about what genius really is!

Diamond placed a group of rats in a very stimulating environment with ladders, swings, treadmills, and "rat toys." She then confined a “control” group of rats to bare cages.

The rats in the stimulating environment lived to advanced ages (the equivalent of 90 for mankind). But even more remarkable, Diamond found their brains had grown an amazing number of new connections between neurons.

Diamond had discovered the first “hard evidence” that higher intelligence could be created through mentally-stimulating exercise. She then examined sections of Einstein's brain, and discovered it also had an unusually high number of such neural "interconnections."

Mental Sharpness and Aging
Our brain does not replace neurons (brain cells) like we replace dead skin, bone or muscle cells. But there's something else at work in the minds of those who don't lose their mental capacities in advanced age!

Researchers studied a group of 800 older nuns, and came up with clear proof of the benefits of mental stimulation. Those nuns who were constantly learning new things, or playing mind stimulating games and crossword puzzles, were less likely to show symptoms of Alzheimer's -- compared to the less mentally active nuns.

Our brains can continue to grow in complexity right up to a very advanced age! Each challenge you present to your brain causes immediate physical changes - no matter what your age.

A Plan of Action

Your brain's inter-neural connections can potentially increase in number and complexity throughout life. The more you learn, the more of these pathways are created. And the more you stimulate your brain, the sharper your memory and mental responses.

The most basic way to build brainpower is to challenge and exercise your brain. Create healthy new neural networks by learning a new skill or language, or through brainwave training. Even so-called “physical” activities such as yoga, Tai Chi, skating or dancing can build brainpower!

Put your brainpower to work to create the lifestyle you desire. Dr Ammon-Wexler’s Quantum Brain Gym is the web's first complete interactive brain gym -- complete with live brainwave training. Click here=> http://www.quantumbraingym.com

The Game of Tennis as a “Future Memory”

Modern science has discovered the exact mental mechanisms we use to create success (or failure) in all aspects of our lives.

The game of tennis is a great example! You’re out on the court with a friend. She’s been burning up the court with blistering serves. But you’ve hung in there, and won the set by returning some great shots.

But now it’s your turn to serve. You try to brush away the memory of the last time you played -- when your serve suddenly went “bad” on you. For some unknown reason, you just couldn’t keep the ball above the net.

You bounce the ball a couple of times, then wind up and toss it up for a serve.
But even before the strings touch the ball, you already KNOW what’s going to happen.

You set your teeth as the ball slams into the net just like it did last week. You shake your head. “Not again.” You moan. “What has gone wrong?”

And of course, your second serve is almost identical to the first. This is what tennis players, golfers, and other athletes call being “off their game.”

Being “off your game” in any aspect of life is caused by what I call a “future memory.” The term “future memories” may seem odd, but it’s a natural mental process. A “future memory” is basically a picture of yourself in the future. And the truth is, you’re creating such memories virtually every day.

There’s an old saying: “In life -- we get what we focus on.” And now neuroscientists have discovered the truth behind that axiom.

Here’s what’s happening: Your subconscious mind will automatically work to manifest your mental “picture” of what seems appropriate in your life.

If you feel you are “off your game,” you reinforce a mental expectation you will continue to be off your game! Now your subconscious mind does not “think” in the same sense your conscious, rational mind does. The subconscious mind actually takes “directions” from your conscious mind, and orders your body to carry out those directions.

Your feeling of being “off your game” is seen as a direction from your conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind instantly “gets the picture” from stored memories that support that “direction.” In effect, it creates a “future memory” of how you are about to respond – then sends actual neural messages to your brain’s “motor centers” to reproduce a tennis serve that will slam into the net.

It’s important to appreciate the fact that “future memories” are a physical brain reality. This is not just a psychological construct!

Years of research by behavioral scientists has clearly proven that mental rehearsal *alone* creates actual improvements in both sports and intellectual activities.
How can this be so?

Recent scientific PET (positron-emission tomography) scans have provided fascinating scientific proof of the power of mental rehearsal.
Pet scan images of the brain activity associated with just *thinking* about moving an arm – truly activate areas of the brain associated with *actual* arm movements.
What does this mean? In practical terms, you can use mental imagery to “pre-program” your mind by “practicing” the positive effects you want in your life.

The other thing you’ll want to remember is this: Your subconscious mind is the product of your physical brain! It’s not some concept that floats around somewhere out in space!

And what neuroscientists have discovered about the physical brain is this: It is not the “rigid structure” it was once thought to be. We now know that the brain is “plastic.” It constantly changes to fit your current (and currently expected) environment.

And the evidence is that like muscles, the brain too follows the rule of “use it or lose it.”

If you consciously focus on “future memories” of success, they will be seen by your subconscious mind as actual instructions. Your mind responds by building actual neural networks to hold those instructions. And the more often you send those “future memory” instructions – the stronger those positive neural networks will grow.

So truly, we actually ARE what we think. Use positive future memories to create what you want in your life – and starve the old neural networks holding any memories of limitations.

Your daily “reality” is a direct reflection of these future memories. Whatever you consciously or unconsciously focus on, whether positive or negative, will gain strength.

Any life improvement must begin with an improvement in your ability to use “future memories.” Those who are successful are those who continually focus on the life they want to lead. Those who are unsuccessful continually focus on what they do *not* want. And what you focus on gains power from stronger, more stable physical neural networks

Put modern neuroscience to work to create the life you want! Apply the science of future memories in your life. Get your copy of “Visualize Success: The Science of Future Memories” by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler. Click here: www.quantum-self.com/visualize.htm


By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

It's said less than 3 percent of the people in the world come close to achieving their true potential. I personally suspect even that estimate is high.

Why do the other 97 percent settle for so much less?

It is because they do not allow themselves to even imagine what could be possible in their lives – let alone pursue it. And if you can't imagine it, you'll never create it.

Here's where it all starts...

Every super successful achiever I have ever known has said the same thing about where true success and achievement begin: It's in the dreaming of (and commitment to) big, expansive, seemingly impossible dreams.

There is simply no faster way to dissolve your so-called personal limitations than to have a really big dream. To focus on the wonderful life you are creating – and the super achiever you are becoming.

When you begin to create truly big dreams, your self-esteem and self-confidence begin to soar almost magically. You immediately feel more confident about your ability to handle whatever life deals you.

An amazing TRUE story..

One of my former coaching clients is today one of the highest paid MLM pros in the entire United States. But he did not start at the top.

After one especially intense mentoring session, Rob (not his true name) set a goal of doubling his income in the coming year – truly a major goal in this challenging business.

He had no idea how he would accomplish his impossible dream, but he set a goal of achieving it.

Rob began by absolutely committing to no longer accept any excuses from himself. He then passionately threw himself into analyzing his downline business builders – his current bread and butter.

He looked carefully at each business builder, and discovered that about 20 percent of his downline executives were creating over 80% of his income. (It's odd, but this 20/80 percent rule seems to pop up again and again in almost all types of business and life situations.)

Rob's further analysis revealed that he was actually spending more time and energy on his low-producers than he was on his important high-producers. In short, he was over investing in the losers – and under investing in his winners. This discovery shocked him deeply.

We talked it over, and Rob decided to share his findings with all of his downline executives. He scheduled a tele-conference, and fully explained his thoughts to his entire downline business-builder team.

He then explained that from that day forward, he was redirecting his energy. Although they would all continue to receive his monthly newsletter -- only his top producers would receive his personal support and coaching.

In effect, Rob drew a line in the sand. Then he encouraged all of his serious business builders to follow his lead, and to only work with their highest producers.

He then redirected his energy to create a very tight and motivated top executive team. They worked together to create a profile of the type of business builders they wanted to attract. Then they jointly invested their energy and resources into a very focused advertising and marketing campaign.

They began to dream – and put focused action behind their dream. Rob did not double his money that year. He went beyond that and increased it 368 percent. And Rob's 20 percent prime business builders did equally well. Plus four of his previously weaker producers even caught the fever, and began to excel.

The 3 Steps to achieving a BIG dream...There are only three secrets to achieving your big dreams: Clarity, commitment, and focus. Here is how it goes:

Step 1
The whole process starts with achieving clarity. You must have clarity about who you are, and exactly what it is you want to achieve. Like Rob, you may also benefit from doing a close examination of your priorities. Time is really what we have in life. Be sure you are investing it wisely, and in ways that clearly support achieving your goal.

Step 2
Commitment is the fuel that keeps your fire burning. The stronger your commitment to achieve your goal -- the more fire and desire and belief you will manifest. And the more you begin to accomplish the things that are truly important to you, the stronger your self-confidence will become. The process feeds itself.
  • Energy builds energy
  • Belief builds belief
  • Commitment builds commitment

Step 3
Focus is not a casual part of this process. It is absolutely essential that you hold your mental focus on exactly what you want to be, have, and do. Apply Rob's 20/80 percent rule to everything you do, and especially to how you invest your basic life currency –- your time.

To summarize...Here's the strategy I recommend when I help my coaching clients put their own feet to the fire:

Allow yourself to dream a really BIG dream Balance how you use your time and resources Focus on the things that can make a real difference in your life or business

Take consistent, focused, committed action As YOU allow yourself to dream really BIG dreams, you will find yourself moving closer and closer to achieving your true potential. This is tremendously exciting and gratifying.
Along the way you may have to trim-away some activities or habits that aren't really a good investment of your time and energy – but you will come up stronger and more successful for it.

Dr. Jills NEW Power of Focus month-long mentoring program will supercharge your ability to overcome anything holding you back -- eliminate your ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) -- and develop the crystal-clear mental focus you need to set and achieve truly BIG dreams. http://quantum-self.com/solution.htm

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