Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Yoga for Arthritis

Arthritis is decalcification and demineralization of the bones and the patient suffer from a lack of moisture in the connective tissues. Arthritis patients often gain greater mobility of the joints, relief from pain and a reduction in inflammation by practicing yoga which helps in increasing the fluid to the joints and muscles.

Simple asana
movements help increase the circulation in the joints and limbs. Slow, steady and controlled movements are recommended. The gentle stretching and strengthening movements of the asanas improve the flow of blood to the joints and strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the joints. Yoga poses can be tailored for different joints.

Seated Poses - Easy Pose (Sukhasana), Supine Poses - Single Leg Raises, Warm-Up Poses - Shoulder Stretches, Warm-Up Poses - Neck Exercises, Standing Poses - Standing Side Stretch Pose, Seated Poses - Hand Clenching are the few asanas recommended for arthritis.

Simple Pranayama
Simple Pranayama is also recommended, which involves deep breathing, special type of Pranayama with Inhalation via right nostril and exhalation via both nostrils but creating a sound of Hmm. (Honey bee Sound) from the throat is found to be very effective in Arthritis patients.
Yogic breathing techniques improve respiration, relieve emotional tension (caused by intense pain) and flood the body and brain with a fresh supply of oxygen. This practice induces relaxation improves the sleep pattern and energy flow, resulting in less suffering for the patient.

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