Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Meditation Kabbalah Style

By: Darnell Istead

Is Kabbalah wisdom? Where can you find it? How can you achieve it?

Kabbalah is the most ancient and most significant wisdom in the history of humans. The wisdom of Kabbalah allows us to achieve a higher level of our personal existence. When you understand your true purpose in life, you are able to achieve limitless possibilities. Only then are you able to experience deep tranquility and perfection.

Kabbalah meditation is evidently able to offer solutions to problems, and creates peace in place of disorder. In addition, Kabbalah meditation can give us the answer to the most-sought after question of our existence, "Who am I?"

Kaballah, when literally translated, means "to receive." Reception is the eminent purpose of Kabbalah. Through Kabbalah meditation we learn how to receive. Further, Kabbalah teaches us that the physical things in life are not important. We learn how to seek the non-physical things in life, and we learn how to obtain them.

The Zohar is an ancient text that serves as the source of Kabbalah wisdom. The Zohar is no ordinary text written with pen and paper. In fact, some historians are persuaded to believe that the Zohar is actually the Holy Grail. The Zohar, a twenty-three volume collection of wisdom, is also known and the "Tree of Life" and is recognized by all religions. This text is the one used to create miracles. It also maintains to end worldly destruction and even death.

The Zohar works essentially like a light bulb. Kabbalah meditation is much like flipping a light switch in our lives. The Zohar in the Kabbalah meditation gives off light on the dark spots in our lives like sickness, sadness, and death as well.

People who are new or who haven't heard about Kabbalah meditation would assume that it is a religion. Without a doubt, Kabbalah is NOT a religion. Rather, Kabbalah meditation is about the light. And the light is not limited to a select few, but it is for everyone in spite of religion and race.

Kabbalists say that this form of meditation answers life's three most critical questions: who we really are, where we came from, and why we are here. Basically, Kabbalah meditation simply provides you with the tools you need to achieve joy, feel a deep sense of accomplishment, and experience life under the Higher Being's Light.

Kabbalah was seen as mysticism in ancient times. People considered it to be too mystical. However, Kabbalah is now thought of as a science -- the science of the soul.

There are several Internet sites that can provide more information and offer online courses on Kabbalah meditation. Visit kabbalah.com to take a thorough tour of the history of Kabbalah. You will also learn about modern Kabbalah meditation practice. While it may seem to have a strong spiritual aspect, Kabbalah is fundamentally the same as other meditation techniques.

Darnell Istead is a regular columnist for several popular web sites like www.uberarticles.com

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