Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Seven Vital Traits Of Success

By: Tom Haynes

1) Work Hard You have to be willing to go out and take actions.
  • There is no substitute! You can’t sit around and wait for the right time, or until you know everything about the subject. You have to take the first steps and get going.Once you do take action, you have to dive in and commit. You can’t try to do things half heartedly, testing the water temperature with you big toe. You must work like this is what you were born to do.

2) Be HonestYou cannot be truly successful if you are not honest.
  • You must honestly deliver on what you promise other people. You cannot mislead or misdirect them.Fortunes are not made alone. They require interaction with other people on some level. If you do not deal fairly and honestly with them, they will withdraw from you and your path becomes that much harder.

3) PersevereNobody said it was easy.
  • And if someone did…well, they lied and odds are they aren’t very successful themselves. Never take advice from someone more screwed up than you! You will hit roadblocks, things will not go according to plan, and opportunities will not pan out. That is life. You have to keep trying, keep working hard.Napoleon Hill said that every failure holds within it the seeds of an equivalent or greater success. You must look for those seeds and nurture them with your effort. And when you do not see them immediately, trust that they are there. It may take a few years for you to realize the lessons you learned.

4) Be FriendlyAs previously mentioned, fortunes are built with the help of other people.
  • You cannot be successful without other people. It is far easier to enlist the support of others when you are friendly.And not just when you want something! Be friendly all the time, even when they are being mean to you. Be friendly to complete strangers. You never know when you may strike up a conversation with someone who ends up being exactly the person you need in your life!

5) Be a life-long learnerThere is no point where you can decide you know enough.
  • Keep reading, keep taking classes, and keep talking to people. Develop friendships and seek out mentors. There is always something new out there. Remember that if you are not growing, you are dying!

6) Over DeliverAlways do your best to exceed expectations.
  • Treat each and every task as if it is worthy of your best efforts…because it is! Everything you do, every memo, e-mail, chore, meeting, and phone call is a reflection of who you are.Strive to do more than you are paid to do! If you think about it, what justification do you have for seeking a raise if you only do the minimum?

7) Seek SolutionsFocus on solutions, not problems.
  • Everyone has problems. If you want to stand out and be a success, be the guy that finds solutions instead of complaining.It is FUN to solve problems. It feels great…and those solutions often create the best opportunities in your life. Train yourself to see problems in this way and you will go far!

Tom Haynes has worked with sales, management, and not-for-profit for companies, helping their staff set goals, increase productivity, exceed expectations, and manage their human resources. He is the owner of www.e-motivate.com, a site dedicated to success, motivation, happiness, entrepreneurship, and wealth. Visit today for your FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich” !

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