Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Study Results From Kids Yoga

Many studies have been conducted in regards to teaching kids yoga and the effects it has on them. Thus far, researchers have observed more than one result as to the effects that teaching kids yoga has at an early age. The outcome of various studies have not been conclusive given that these studies differed somewhat, and were oftentimes targeted more on a single specific mood of the child. Also, a number of other loopholes were apparent within several of the studies because of limited time requirements. Varying yoga devotees speculated that the research required a longer time span as well as additional yoga sessions to experience a more realistic effect.

Regardless of the fact that the ultimate goal is still inconclusive there is still a lot of valuable information to be learned from the studies. There was an increase in the children's flexibility following many lessons of kids yoga. In addition, a number of kids who were anxious prior to starting a yoga session left feeling much better or less anxious. Also, some children’s view of self worth was improved, although this was not as profound as some people might anticipate.

Some experts hypothesized that the outcome emerged this way because when kids are younger they experience less stress and do not usually seek enlightenment in their lives. Some experts suggest that having them learn kids yoga might have been a production of futility, given that the majority of children are naturally flexible and limber at their tender age. In addition they are carefree enough to not be tormented by the daily difficulties that we as adults find so stressful.

Needless to say, because the kids yoga research just encompassed a minor collection of female children only, quite a bit of doubt was placed upon whether or not the findings were inconclusive or whether or not they were even dependable. The size, or number of children in the control group was suggested to be too few.

Similarly, many other experts have attempted to study kids with different conditions and the effect that kids yoga might have on them. However more studies need to be conducted for this information to become helpful.

Whether or not these theories hold merit, the people who are devoted to yoga continue to have confidence that there are indeed benefits to teaching kids yoga. And of course, everyone should agree that teaching kids yoga could never result in any negative effects.

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