Senin, 21 Januari 2008

10 Foolproof Tips for Better Sleep

Written by C. Simmons

  1. Don't worry about not getting enough sleep. Try not to worry about how much you sleep. Such worrying can start a cycle of negative thoughts that contribute to a condition, known as "learned insomnia". Learned insomnia occurs when you worry so much about whether or not you will be able to get adequate sleep, that the bedtime rituals and behavior actually trigger insomnia.

  2. Don't force yourself to sleep. The very attempt of trying to do so actually awakes you, making it more difficult to sleep.

  3. Go to bed only when you are feeling really tired and sleepy.

  4. Don't look at the alarm clock at night. Looking at the clock promotes increased anxiety and obsession about time.

  5. Body-heating procedures. Some studies suggest that soaking in hot water before going to bed can ease the transition into a deeper sleep.

  6. Avoid oversleep. Don't oversleep to make up for a poor night's sleep. Doing so for even a couple of days can reset your body clock and make it harder for you to sleep at night.

  7. Sex. Sex is a well-known nighttime stress reliever. Healthy sex life enhances your relationship, relaxes your body, releases 'happy' chemicals, and even promotes wellness. And it welcomes sleep.

  8. Avoid alcohol as a sleeping aid. Avoid the use of alcohol in the late evening. The most common myth found among people is that they believe alcohol helps in the sleep. But the fact is alcohol may initially act as sedative, but it produces a number of sleep-impairing effects in the long run.

  9. Associate your bed and bedroom with sleep and sex only. Don't watch TV, eat, or read in bed. Although these things help some people sleep, they can also give your brain the idea that bed isn't just for sleeping - and this can keep you awake.

  10. Naps. If you suffer from insomnia, try not taking a nap. If the goal is to sleep more during the night, napping may steal hours desired later on. If you're a regular napper, and experiencing difficulty falling or staying asleep at night, give up the nap and see what happens.

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