Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

Essential Home Fitness Equipment For Beginners

By: Julie Russell

I have noticed that there are a lot of people who feel comfortable working out at home and feel very uncomfortable at the thought of going to a gym. Maybe they don't want to be around people or aren't proud of their bodies or they just don't like the commute. For me, it's just the convenience of being able to stay in the clothes I have on and pick up the weights.

So, it's great that fitness equipment stores, whether Online or actual physical places, carry a variety of exercise equipment for everyone. Most of these stores carry new and used exercise equipment. The used is generally still in great condition and is a little bit cheaper.

If you are a beginner, know that the best thing to do is clear space that is designated for workouts, alone. This way, you will have a single minded purpose when you are in your 'workout room' and you won't get distracted.

Having worked out at the gym and at home, I can say that, to get a home workout that rivals a gym workout, you must have the right equipment. To me, there are 3 pivotal things that you need:
  1. Any piece of of cardio equipment. Whether it's a treadmill, a stair stepper or a bike, just have something accessible that will get your heart rate going! Tip-it's good to have variety. I often like to run for 30 minutes, then bike for 10, or do the stepper, then bike.
  2. Free weights. Most personal trainers will tell you that using free weights is a better option because you have to control them and it is not as easy to cheat. I think that this is true. I prefer them and let's face it-they don't take up a lot of space. You can have many different weights or get something like a Power Block.
  3. Workout accessories. Resistance bands, balls, steppers, etc, will come in handy. You can get some great workouts on a ball and those bands will give you some variety, along with the free weights.

These tools are a great start, but you may want to consider something like a Bowflex or Total Gym after you get established. These kinds of home exercise equipment give you a lot of options in that you should be able to do many different leg, back and arm exercises.

Gyms have machines that, added up, probably costs hundreds of thousands. Most people will never have that, but there is a compromise. Just buying a few pieces of home fitness equipment will get you on the right path. Don't compare yourself to a gym, just do the best you can.

Variety is key in working out at home, because it's easy to get bored or hit a plateau. You will learn how to use the equipment that you have to it's fullest potential.

So whether you choose new or used fitness equipment for your home, just be sure to consider the essentials. It's a start, then you can build your home gym to better suit your needs.

Julie Russell is a fitness & nutrition enthusiast. Visit her website at www.MyBestHealthandFitness.com . You'll find lots of free fitness and nutrition tips as well as reviews of the best fitness and nutrition products Online.

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