Depression can be crippling, devastating. It can cause a person to withdraw from everyone he loves and stop doing activities that he once enjoyed. It can cause a deep despair and social isolation that is overwhelming. Victims of depression encounter memory problems, sleep disruption or a need to sleep excessively, a sense of hopelessness and an inability to join the rest of the world. Depression afflicts an estimated 19 million Americans, and they cant just snap out of it.
Although there are ways to ease some symptoms of depression, sometimes medication therapy is needed for a person to fully enjoy a life without depression. However, there are some free tips that you can try if you have the blues.
1. Speak with Someone
Marriage counselors, church patriarchs, school counselors, and life coaches can be very helpful. If you do not feel comfortable speaking with a counselor, talk to a close friend or write in a journal.
2. Start an Exercise Program
A brisk walk or a good workout can do wonders for your mood. As you exercise and raise your heart rate, your body releases endorphins which improve your mood. Youve heard of the runners high? Well, that is why.
3. Eat Fresh
Eat as much fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy as possible. The more you rid processed foods from your diet, the better you will feel. Fresh vegetables are good for you and boost your body with vitamins. The healthier you are, the better you tend to feel emotionally.
4. Avoid Sugar
Sugar can cause serious problems, especially if your depression is combined with anxiety. Unlike essential sugars (glyconutrients), regular table sugar can increase your anxiety, give you a let down when you come down off of a sugar high and it can hinder your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Frequent illnesses can contribute to depression.
5. Avoid caffeine
Caffeine brings you up - then drops you like a rock. It can increase your anxiety and distress and contribute to your depression as well. Drink more water, sodas and even fruit drinks have sugar and preservatives that can drag you down and make you feel worse.
6. Avoid Nicotine
Nicotine is a stimulant. It acts in the body much like caffeine. It can make you feel better temporarily, but in the end it will only add to depression in several ways. The stimulant in nicotine can increase your anxiety. Smoking also tends to make a person more prone to upper respiratory illnesses and illness can increase you depression.
7. Meditation Helps
Meditation can do wonders for alieving feelings of depression. There are various forms of meditation from conscious breathing to guided meditation to creative imagery. Find a form that works for you and practice. The focus and peace does wonders for a troubled spirit.
8. Sleep
Sleep deprivation can cause depression and anxiety. Too much sleep can also contribute to depression and anxiety. The average adult needs between six and nine hours of sleep a night. Each individual has different needs, but this is a good guideline.
9. Lighten Up
Sitting or working in the dark will add to your depression. Natural light is better than artificial light too. So open the windows and shutters and replace small lights and light bulbs with bigger and brighter ones.
10. Adopt a Pet
Companion animals provide great help to anyone suffering from depression. Studies have shown that by just stroking an animal can lower your blood pressure and calm you. So go visit your local humane society or pet store. Don't have space for a goat or a horse? Maybe a dog, cat, ferret, gerbil, hamster, goldfish, or even a hermit crab?
Spencer Hunt is a wellness consultant who has used glyconutritionals to help clients with Alzheimers, diabetes, Lupus, or to just have more energy