Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

The Power Of Yes

By: Zoe Routh

Like a good Aussie girl, I spent Australia Day on the beach. As I lay in the soft white sand, I watched my husband Rob play in the waves with our niece and nephews. Six-year-old Iman has long been reluctant to try the boogie board – afraid of getting dumped by the waves. She would hang out on the shore instead, shrieking and running from any wave that splashed above her ankles.

Something magical was in the air that morning however, and this time when Rob asked her if she would try the board, she said ‘ok’. Just like that. Rob helped her catch a wave and I swear the sun itself shone through that gap-toothed smile! The thrill and pleasure of the ocean was open to her now. From that instant we knew we had a surfer girl on our hands. She rode wave after wave in total delight.

What changed for Immy? The risks were all still the same- she could still get dumped, she could fall off the board, and she could still get knocked over by a big wave.

What changed for Immy is that she said ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’. In the magic of a single moment she changed forever her experience at the beach. A whole new universe of joy opened to her.

The power of ‘yes’ is the power of allowing, of acceptance, of openness, of joy. It is this way we create our lives in a simple moment. We have a choice always to say ‘yes’ to life’s opportunities or ‘no’ and resist them out of fear. When we shrink from a choice our soul begs us to take, we are shutting out the flow of universal abundance. When we resist, we shy away from ease and grace. We make things harder for ourselves. Getting what we want becomes an experience of struggle and of overcoming. Nothing we truly desire gets created easily in resistance.

When we follow instead the nudge of our intuition in spite of fear, we say ‘yes’ to the abundance of the universe and flow of good energy. Do you remember saying ‘yes’ in a difficult situation? Like the first time you drove a car? Or when you gave a speech? Or went on the Tower of Terror ride at Dreamworld? Did you feel the rush of energy? Even if you never did it again, you know the wild exhilaration of being able to say “I did it.”

What do we miss out on when we say ‘no’? What could we experience if we just simply said ‘yes’? What doors may open if we said ‘yes’ to a job offer, a proposal, or a simple ride on a boogie board?

Life’s waiting for you out there. Let it in. Say ‘yes’. Ride the wave. Go surfer dudes!

Cancer survivor Zoë Routh is the Head Coach at Inner Compass. Zoë helps personal development enthusiasts create their own best life using the law of attraction. Zoë is the author of ebook Absolute Productivity – a handbook for your personal and professional life. Sign up for Compass Bearings - a free on line magazine for personal development enthusiasts who want easy new success strategies using the law of attraction. Get more free tips at

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